Principal’s Desk



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Principal’s Desk

“There are two educations. One teaches us how to make a living and the other how to live.” John Adams
In a time when the education has been turned into a ‘precious commodity’, and the source of unprecedented ‘profit’ for the market forces, instead of ‘a powerful weapon of social change’, we try to make humble contribution in the academic field by creating an atmosphere where students become learners who dare to dream the stars with their feet on the solid ground instead of creating ‘robots’ to pursue only professional career mechanically, which in itself is not bad, too. Here, we strive to attain the balance between the two types of education, namely, ‘how to make a living and how to live.’
Our consistent emphasis is on the comprehensive development of the students by involving them various cultural, intellectual, social and sports activities. The time we are living is challenging mainly for two reasons, one the rapid development in all the fields, especially in AI and the ‘job market’. We are on the verge of being ‘irrelevant’. Our effort is to encourage our students to LEARN not only the syllabus but reality of the life and the world. The true student is one dares to dream on solid ground.
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